§ Form 6.30 Trustee's Disclosure Under Oath

Form 6.30 Trustee's Disclosure Under Oath


    (CAPTION) )                                                                                DISCLOSURE UNDER OATH
    E.F., Trustee                                                       )

    I, (name), the trustee, had the following goods, effects or credits of the defendant, (name), in my control or  possession at the time of the service of the summons to trustee on me on (date): [indicate goods, effects or credits if any, or none, as applicable]

    [I hold the goods, effects or credits, described above, but I do not feel the goods, effects or credits should be available to the plaintiff because of the following facts and circumstances: (state all material facts supporting your position).]

    I hereby submit myself for examination under oath and request judgment, and for my costs.

    Dated: _______

________________________________________________________________________________ Trustee    (name) (address)


    COUNTY OF _______

    (name of trustee), personally appeared before me on this _______ day of _______, 19__ and swore that the above disclosure was subscribed by [him]/[her] and was true.


PUBLIC:________________________________________________________________________________ (name)


    [FN1] Previously Form 21A.