§ 25A-30. Support Enforcement Services

§ 25A-30. Support Enforcement Services


In cases where the payment of alimony and/or support has been ordered, a support enforcement officer, where provided by statute, shall:


(a)Whenever there is a default in any payment of alimony or support of children under judgments of dissolution of marriage or civil union or separation, or of support under judgments of support, where necessary, (1) initiate and facilitate, but not advocate on behalf of either party, an application to a family support magistrate and issue an order requiring said party to appear before a family support magistrate to show cause why such party should not be held in contempt, or (2) take such other action as is provided by rule or statute.


(b)Review child support orders (1) in non-TFA IV-D cases at the request of either parent or custodial party subject to a support order, or upon receipt of information indicating a substantial change in circumstances of any party to the support order, (2) in TFA cases, at the request of the bureau of child support enforcement, (3) as necessary to comply with federal requirements for the child support enforcement program mandated by Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, and initiate and facilitate, but not advocate on behalf of either party, an action before a family support magistrate to modify such support order if it is determined upon such review that the order substantially deviates from the child support guidelines established pursuant to General Statutes § 46b-215a or § 46b-215b. The requesting party shall have the right to such review every three years without proving a substantial change in circumstances; more frequent reviews shall be made only if the requesting party demonstrates a substantial change in circumstances.


(c)In connection with subsections (a) or (b) above, or at any other time upon direction of a family support magistrate, investigate (1) the financial situation of the parties, using all appropriate information and resources available to the IV-D child support program, including information obtained through electronic means from state and federal sources in the certified child support system, or (2) information about the status of participation in programs that increase the party's ability to fulfill the duty of support and report his or her findings thereon to a family support magistrate and to the parties and upon direction of a family support magistrate facilitate agreements between parties.